Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I have news for UKIP Cornwall

No, the Government will not "finally have to talk about what the UK get out of the EU and how much it is costing us to belong". Yes, we had the Second Reading of Lord Pearson's Bill on Friday and no, this will not actually force HMG to do anything. Had Ms Clarke of UKIP Cornwall actually read Hansard she would have seen the following words in Lord Pearson's opening speech:
This is not the first time that your Lordships have debated this or a similar Bill at Second Reading. We did so last some four and a half years ago, on 8 June 2007, and we had similar debates on 11 February 2004, 27 June 2003 and 17 March 2000. The series would not be complete without mentioning 31 January 1997, when your Lordships' House voted at Second Reading for a Bill that would have taken us out of the European Union altogether.
Don't get me wrong: the fact that this is not the first time Lord Pearson of Rannoch introduced a Bill in the House of Lords or the first time it got to Second Reading (in fact, there was one occasion when we got to Committee stage) does not negate his achievements then or now. But it would be very useful if eurosceptics started the process of finding out what has happened in the past and what has not. A good many disappointments would be avoided.

PS: I do intend to blog about the debate as there were many interesting comments made by various peers but I thought I would get a splenetic posting in first.


  1. WitteringsfromWitneyNovember 29, 2011 at 8:36 PM

    And there, Helen, much as I support Ukip and am a member, is a prime example why I regularly 'tear my hair out' at the blinkered vision that a great number of Ukip members have!

    As I responded to a commenter, over at my place, Pearson's attempt will once again get 'killed'!

    Need I say more?

  2. I suppose it might get to Committee stage. Its purpose is to air the arguments, which is useful but there is absolutely no point in shouting victory because something is debated in the House. At times like that I almost tell myself to ignore UKIP in future but we need some such party though that is not quite the party we need.
